This course is addressed to students of English, but could equally assist researchers whose field of specialization involves the study of literary texts from a linguistic perspective.

This course is divided into two main sections that requires one semester for each. In the first part, the attempt is to introduce the theoretical background of stylistics. In this part, the plan is to introduce an account of the main  approaches and concepts needed in the analysis of any literary work.  In  the second section, the endeavour is to exemplify what has been introduced in the first part. Hence,  stylistic analyses of a number of poems and short stories are introduced. 

     This course aims at providing the  students with the theory of stylistics and its practical application in text analysis. By means of working with several texts including literary (fictional) texts, stylistics can function as a bridging discipline between literary and linguistic courses. In this regard, the course at hand comprises the necessary tools and materials that students of English need about Stylistics. Therefore, it presents key concepts in stylistics such as  style, deviation, foregrounding, repetition, and parallelism.